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A Jury of Excellence for the Composition Section of the
35th International Young Musician Competition ‘Città di Barletta’!
A panel of internationally renowned experts will evaluate the compositions in competition.
The jury is composed of top professionals from various musical and academic traditions, with years of experience and solid international careers. The selection will be entrusted to key figures in both classical and electronic music, including:
Nicola Monopoli,
Professor of Electroacoustic Composition and Coordinator of the Ph.D. Program in Electroacoustic Composition, Sound Arts, and Intermediary Applications – Conservatory “U. Giordano” of Foggia (Italy).
Gayane Aslanyan,
Composer and Assistant Professor of Collaborative Piano – State Conservatory of Yerevan (Armenia).
Chieko Doi,
Associate Professor of Composition – Okinawa Prefectural University of the Arts (Japan).
Johanna Selleck,
Honorary Fellow at the University of Melbourne; Composition and Flute Professor at the Presbyterian Ladies’ College of Melbourne (Australia).
Paolo Geminiani,
Professor of Harmony Theory and Analysis and Coordinator of the Department of Theory, Analysis, and Composition – Conservatory “Maderna-Lettimi” of Cesena (Italy).
Soon the Juries of the Soloist (Strings, Winds, Guitar), Piano and Chamber Music Sections!!

Giuria Composizione 2025

We are very excited to announce the Jury of the
28th International Piano Competition “Mauro Paolo Monopoli Prize

A distinguished panel of internationally renowned experts will evaluate this year’s contestants. The jury includes:
Michail Markov (Russia – Netherlands)
Concert pianist Professor of Piano Enschede Conservatory of Music
 Johan Schmidt (Belgium)
Concert Pianist Professor of Piano Royal Brussels Conservatory
Roberto Neumann Domingos (Brazil – Germany)
Concert pianist Professor of Piano and ProRector Karlsruhe University of Music
 Herton Mikeli (Albania)
Concert Pianist Professor of Piano at Tirana Conservatory of Music
 Gianluca Luisi (Italy)
Concert Pianist Professor of Piano Pesaro Conservatory of Music
Michele Rossetti (Italy)
Concert Pianist  Professor of Piano Foligno Intl Courses
Francesco Monopoli (Italy)
Concert Pianist Professor of Piano Bari Conservatory of Music Artistic Director

This prestigious Competition, an exceptional showcase for young talents,
will take place from May 7 to May 11, 2025, at the Curci Theater in Barletta, Italy.

Who can participate?
Pianists born between January 1, 1993, and January 1, 2009. Participation is completely free!
What’s at stake?
Prizes up to €16,500 and the incredible opportunity to perform with the ICO Suoni del Sud Symphony Orchestra in the final!
How to apply?
Applications, totally free,  are open until April 27, 2025.
Don’t miss this unique chance to make your mark on the international stage!

Giuria Collage B

The Call for the 35th International Competition for Young Musicians ‘City of Barletta’ 2025 Edition to be held from 13 to 18 May 2025 is online.

Guitar – Winds – Strings and Chamber Music from 13 to 15 May 2025
Piano from 16 to 18 May 2025
Composition  evaluation 18 May 2025

Prizes for 10,000 euros and 10 recitals

In the splendid Venue of the Curci Theater in Barletta.

Deadline for registration: 30 April, 2025.

Volantino Citt di Barletta 2025 con codici qr

The Call for the 28th International Piano Performance Competition ‘Mauro Paolo Monopoli Prize’ 2025 Edition, which will be held from 7 to 11 May 2025, has been published.
Free Application. Prizes for 16,500 euros and 6 recitals
Final with the ICO Suoni del Sud Symphony Orchestra.
In the splendid setting of the Curci Theater in Barletta.

Deadline for registration: April 27, 2025.

Volantino MPM 2025 con codici qr

A splendid Edition for the International Composition Prize
of the 34th International Competition for Young Musicians ‘Città di Barletta’.
An extraordinary international participation and high-level compositions

The complete list of all the winners can be found at this link.
All Diplomas and Awards will be sent by the end of May 2024.


Composition Prize Results of the 34th ‘Città di Barletta’ Intl. Prize


Extraordinary evening yesterday Sunday, May 5 at the Curci Theater with the Final Symphony Concert of the 27th International Piano Competition ‘Mauro Paolo Monopoli Prize’ .
The Great Concerts for Piano and Orchestra with the ICO Orchestra Suoni del Sud
conducted by Benedetto Montebello and Soloists
MU Wanqiao – China who performed by
F. Chopin’s Concerto No. 1 for pf. and orchestra
ABDIEL Calvin – Indonesia, with.
L. van Beethoven Concerto No. 4 for pf and Orchestra and RINALDY Caitlan with
F. Chopin Concerto No. 1 for pf. and orchestra
Finalists of the 27th International Piano Performance Competition ‘Mauro Paolo Monopoli Prize’
Intense interpretations and truly exceptional level of the 3 Pianists, with a splendid performance by the ICO Suoni del Sud orchestra excellently conducted by Benedetto Montebello.
Very long applause and extraordinary emotions for the audience present, which awarded the Audience Prize, of 400 euros, to Rinaldy Caitlan.
The International Jury, formed by Maestros Roberto Domingos, Mario Coppola, Marsida Koni, Aki Kuroda, Herton Mikeli and Francesco Monopoli awarded the Nuovo IMAIE First Prize of 10,000 euros to which was added the 2,000 euros offered by Buzzi Unicem to Rinaldy Caitlan, presented by dr. Domenico Ingegno and Vice Mayor avv. Giuseppe Dileo, the Second Prize of 1,500 euros offered by Fondazione Megamark Onlus went to MU Wanqiao and the Third Prize of 1,000 euros offered by Buzzi Unicem to Abdiel Calvin.

Then went the two prizes of 500 euros dedicated to A. Benedetti Michelangeli to semifinalists BASARAB Vasilije – Serbia and BURZANITSA Mykyta – Ukraine, offered by Eng.Luca Dimiccoli. Another 3 prizes of 200 euros, offered by Buzzi Unicem, went to semifinalists Alyssa Kok – Singapore, Vito Calianno – Italy and Wang Xinchen.
A truly extraordinary edition, supported and sponsored by the City of Barletta – Department of Culture, the Apulia Region and the Ministry of Culture, with the collaboration of Barletta Ricettiva and Hotel dei Cavalieri.

#mpmprize #mpmcompetition #Barletta
 #teatrocurci #pugliaevents
#weareinpuglia #mic #nuovoimaie
#buzziunicem #barlettaRicettiva
Premiati 1

Premiati 2

MU Wanqiao 2

Alvin 1

Rinaldy 2

27th International Piano Competition “Mauro Paolo Monopoli Prize”

Here are the 3 outstanding  Pianists, admitted to The Final Stage.  who will play for the Final Concert with Orchestra today May 5, 2024 at Curci Theatre in Barletta

ABDIEL Calvin Indonesia
MU Wanqiao China
RINALDY Caitlan Australia

Rinaldy Caitlan - Australia
Special Prizes ‘A. Benedetti-Michelangeli’ assigned to the semifinalists
BASARAB Vasilije Serbia
BURZANITSA Mykyta Ukraina
70x100-Spettacoli-Finale Concorso 2024 Teatro Curci

Here are the Semifinalists of the 
27th International Piano Competition ‘Mauro Paolo Monopoli Prize’
 ABDIEL Calvin Indonesia
BASARAB Vasilije Serbia
BURZANITSA Mykyta Ucraina
CALIANNO Vito Alessio Italia
KOK Alyssa Singapore

MU Wanqiao Cina
RINALDY Caitlan Australia
 WANG Xinchen Cina
Colorful Modern Paris Photo Collage Instagram Post

Merit Diploma 
LEE Seungmin  
LEVIN Sergey 
YUAN Jianing

Participation Diploma 

SANCHEZ Ana Valeria
WIRA Julianna Roza

ZHONG Licheng

Here is the Schedule of the Auditions of the amazing Pianists
admitted to the First Stage of the 27th International Piano Competition ‘Mauro Paolo Monopoli Prize’


Online the List of Participants and the Official Schedule of the 34th Edition of the ‘Città di Barletta’ International Competitions for Young Musicians
An extraordinary international success with participants coming from
Italy, Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, China, South Korea, Germany, Japan, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Mongolia, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Serbia, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, USA and Uzbekistan!!!

Many thanks to all participants and a welcome to everyone in the beautiful setting of the Curci Municipal Theater in Barletta!!!
With the wish that your Talent will be enhanced and that the ‘City of Barletta’ Competition will be the start of a brilliant musical career!!!
Participants in the Competition are kindly invited to check the list and report any
inaccuracies or omissions by sending an email to

Manifesto Citt di Barletta 2024 (1) (1)

The  34th Edition of the International Young Musicians Competitions ‘Città di Barletta’  is waiting for you!!!
The deadline to send your application form is getting closer and closer.

April 26, 2024 is the last day to register and showcase your musical talent.
The Competitions will be held Live in Barletta in the wonderful setting of the Curci Municipal Theater, one of the most amazing in Italy, with the following Schedule:
* The International Young Soloist Prize (Guitar, Winds and Strings) and
the International Chamber Music Prize will take place from May 7 to 9, 2024.

* The International Young Pianist Prize and
the International Composition Prize will take place from May 10 to 12, 2024.

Don’t miss the opportunity to win cash prizes of over 10,000 Euros and 10 Concerts – Prize!!!
Join us to celebrate Music and Art and to enhance your Talent!!!

For further informations and applications on line please check this link
Young Musician Intl. Competition ‘Città di Barletta’ | Associazione Cultura e Musica G. Curci – ETS
Concorsi Citta di Barletta 2024 quadrato -

On line the complete list of the Applicants admitted to the
27th Edition of the International Piano Competition ‘Mauro Paolo Monopoli Prize’

Amazing Piano Talents coming from all over the World
who will play in the wonderful Curci Theatre in Barletta!!
Our Best and Warmest Welcome to all the Young Talents!!

Post Instagram MPM 2024 (1)

Applications are open for the 34th Edition of the Young Musician International Competition ‘Città di Barletta’
that will take place at the wonderful venue of the Curci Theatre in Barletta – Italy on 2024!!
Strings, Winds, Guitar and Chamber Music : 7 – 9 May 2024
Piano solo and Composition : 10 – 12 May 2024
Manifesto Citt di Barletta 2024 (1) (1)

Applications are open for  the amazing
27th Edition of the International Piano Competition ‘Mauro Paolo Monopoli Prize’
No application Fee, Prizes for 18.000 euros and 10 concerts,
Final with Simphony Orchestra  Ico Suoni del Sud conducted by m° Benedetto Montebello.

All the Competition will take place at the wonderful venue of the Curci Theatre in Barletta – Italy!!

Manifesto MPM 2024 70x100

Here is the extraordinary 40th Music Season at Curci Theatre in Barletta!!!

40ma Stagione Musicale 200x140_001

Online all the Prize Winners of the 33rd International Competition for Young Musicians ‘Città di Barletta’
Our warmest Congratulations to the awarded Artists from all over the world and
see you again at the next Edition 2024!!!

premiati primo gala ok

Premiati Secondo Gala

Now Online, on our youtube Channel,
https://www.youtube.com/user/asscurci ,
even the Second  outstanding  Gala Concerto of the 33rd Young Musician International Competition ‘Città di Barletta’, with the First Absolute Prizes and the Special Prizes of the Piano Sections.
An extraordinary review of International Talents.

Here is the video link!!
Città di Barletta Competition 2023 – 2nd Gala Concert of the Prize Winners – YouTube
Secondo Gala Concerto Citt di Barletta 2023

Online, on our Youtube Channel
https://www.youtube.com/user/asscurci ,
the 1st  extraordinary Gala Concerto of the  33rd Young Musician International Competition ‘Città di Barletta’, with the  First Absolute Prizes of Guitar, Winds and Strings Sections and the Special Prizes Associazione Musicale Gabriella Cipriani and Barletta Ricettiva – Marida Bonadies.
Here is the video Link!!
Città di Barletta Competition 2023 – 1st Gala Concert of the Prize Winners – YouTube
Primo Gala Concerto Citt di Barletta 2023

Here are the winners of the Composition Section of the
33rd International Competition for Young Musicians ‘Città di Barletta’.

Congratulations to the composers from all over the world who participated in the event!!


Prize winners Composition Sections 2023 

Just on line on our Youtube Channel
the wonderfun Final Concerto of the 26th International Piano Competition
‘Mauro Paolo Monopoli Prize’ 
Part 3
26th MPM International Competition – Final Stage – Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 5 (Hana Igawa) – YouTube
Soloist Hana Igawa
Soundiff Diffrazioni Sonore Symphony Orchestra
Conductor Benedetto Montebello
Teatro Curci Sunday 14th May 2023
L. van Beethoven Piano Concerto n. 4
#mpmcompetition #teatrocurci

#pugliaevents #soundiff
Copertina video Finale MPM 2023 IGAWA (1)

Just on line on our Youtube Channel
the wonderfun Final Concerto of the 26th International Piano Competition
‘Mauro Paolo Monopoli Prize’ 
Part 2
26th MPM International Competition – Final Stage – Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 1 (Artem Kuznetsov) – YouTube
Soloist Artem Kuznetsov
Soundiff Diffrazioni Sonore Symphony Orchestra
Conductor Benedetto Montebello
Teatro Curci Sunday 14th May 2023
F. Chopin Piano Concerto n. 1
#mpmcompetition #teatrocurci

#pugliaevents #soundiff
Copertina video Finale MPM 2023 KUZNETSOV (1)

Just on line on our Youtube Channel
the wonderful Final Concerto of the 26th International Piano Competition
‘Mauro Paolo Monopoli Prize’ 
Part 1
26th MPM International Competition – Final Stage – Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 4 (Khanh Van Ho) – YouTube
Soloist Hồ Khánh Vân
Soundiff Diffrazioni Sonore Symphony Orchestra
Conductor Benedetto Montebello
L. van Beethoven Piano Concerto n. 4
Teatro Curci Sunday 14th May 2023

#mpmcompetition #teatrocurci
#pugliaevents #soundiff

Copertina video Finale MPM 2023 HO (1)

Great Succes for the Final Concerto of the 26th International Piano Competition  “MAURO PAOLO MONOPOLI PRIZE”

First prize to Vietnamese pianist Ho Khanh Van , second prize to Russian Artem Kuznetsov, third prize to Japanese pianist Hana Igawa





Great success for the 26th International Piano Performance Competition “Mauro Paolo Monopoli Prize, organized by the Culture and Music Association “G.Curci” in collaboration with and under the patronage of the City of Barletta, the Apulia Region, the Ministry of Culture, Buzzi – Unicem, the Megamark onlus Foundation, and the Barletta Ricettiva Association , with the various Special Prizes offered by Professor Maria Rita Lamonaca and Engineer Luca Dimiccoli that took place in the splendid setting of the Curci Theater in Barletta

A resounding Soundiff Symphony Orchestra – Diffrazioni Sonore, masterfully conducted by maestro Benedetto Montebello, in a packed theater, acted as a showcase for the three finalists on the final evening of the 26th International Piano Performance Competition “Mauro Paolo Monopoli Prize” an event that brings the city of Barletta into the limelight every year all over the world, projecting it into a truly international dimension.

A very high level was found by the International Jury formed by masters Susan Shu Cheng Lin (Taiwan), Bertrand Giraud (France), Roberto Corlianò (Italy), Vittorio Costa (Italy), Lorenzo Di Bella (Italy), Benedetto Montebello (Italy), and Francesco Monopoli (Italy), who found themselves judging participants , from South Korea, Ukraine, Italy, Germany, Vietnam, Romania, Japan, Australia, Russia, Mexico, Armenia, Great Britain, Bulgaria, and China, who expressed a very high level of artistic and musical sensitivity and technical expressive quality never seen in previous years, making the Jury’s task truly difficult.

To open the evening, presented by Floriana Tolve, was the very young Vietnamese pianist Ho Khanh Van, the youngest of the three, just 20 years old, winner of many prizes in National and International Competitions, perfected with prestigious musicians and a student of Stepan Simonyan at the University of Music in Hamburg, who gave us a refined, engaging and fresh interpretation of Concerto No. 4 in G Major Op. 58 by Ludwig van Beethoven engaging both the Jury and the audience that crowded the theater.

It was then the turn of Russian/Texan pianist Artem Kuznetsov, 33, one of the most awarded pianists, in the most prestigious International Piano Competitions, an eclectic artist and virtuoso of the keyboard, to captivate the audience with his romantic , quiet, thoughtful and melancholy performance of Chopin’s Concerto No. 1 in E Minor Op. 11.

The evening was then concluded by 30-year-old Japanese pianist Hana Igawa, whose Concerto No. 5 in E-flat Major Op. 73, “Emperor,” with a richly colored interpretive mastery engaged the audience who applauded her at length .

At the end of the evening the prestigious International Jury, decided to award First Prize to the Vietnamese pianist Ho Khanh Van, to her goes the prize offered by Buzzi Unicem and the Nuovo IMAIE Prize of ten thousand euros, for a tour project of six concerts, yet another recognition for the work done over the years by the Curci Association, which will allow him to carry out a tour of concerts throughout Italy. To her also went the Audience Prize, offered this year by Professor Maria Rita Lamonaca along with a concert with the Soundiff Orchestra – Diffrazioni Sonore. Second Prize went to Russian/Texan Kuznetsov Artem to whom the prize offered by the non-profit Fondazione Megamark went and Third Prize to Japanese Igawa Hana, offered by the Artistic Direction of the Associazione Cultura e Musica G. Curci.

The Special Prize “Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli,” offered by m° ing. Luca Dimiccoli, went to Korean pianist Park Jeongro and Japanese pianist Ota Saya , three semifinalists awarded by Buzzi Unicem : Japanese Yuki Mihara, Italian Federica Reale and Japanese Sayaka Yamashita




Special praise goes to the spectacular Symphony Orchestra Soundiff – Diffrazione Sonore, (over 45 elements), composed of artists from our area mostly under 35, the only Apulian orchestral reality recognized by FUS, masterfully conducted by Maestro Benedetto Montebello.

For the presentation of the Awards to the various winners, the Deputy Mayor Dr. Giuseppe Di Leo, the Councillor for Social Services Dr. Rosaria Mirabello, Dr. Domenico Ingegno, Director of Buzzi – Unicem, Barletta plant, Dr. Michele Sardone representing the Municipality of Barletta, attended the ceremony. Michele Sardone representing the Megamark Foundation – Onlus and Cavaliere Giovanni Pomarico and Raffaele Rizzi President of the Barletta Ricettiva Association who with their words paid tribute to this now traditional reality that every year projects Barletta in a truly international context.


The very large audience appreciated and underscored the skill of the finalists with very long applause and ovations of enthusiastic admiration both towards these young artists who, for the love of music, do not hesitate to travel all over the world and every year find themselves in Barletta, and towards the International Jury that during these long days of intense auditions found itself listening to so many artists of international level and having to choose the best during this International Music Competition, which has the honorary presidency of the late great maestro Carlo Maria Giulini, dedicated to the unforgettable Mauro Paolo Monopoli .



✨Here are the three outstanding Finalists and the two winners of the Special Prizes of the 26th International Piano Competition ‘Mauro Paolo Monopoli Prize’✨

Our warmest Congratulations to the Finalists :
- Ho Khanh Van – Vietnam
- Kuznetsov Artem – Russia/U.S.A. 
- Igawa Hana – Japan 
and to the Winners of the ‘A. B. Michelangeli’ Special Prizes
-Park Jeongro – South Korea 
-Ota Saya – Japan 
✨ Here are the Semifinalists of the
26th International Piano Competition ‘Mauro Paolo Monopoli Prize’✨

– KIM Jeongjin South Korea
- MIHARA Yuki Japan
- REALE Federica Italy
- YAMASHITA Sayaka Japan
- HO Khanh Van Vietnam
- PARK Jeongro South Korea
- KUZNETSOV Artem Russia
- OTA Say Japan
- IGAWA Hana Japan
My project-1 (1)


Great success for the workshop
: ‘ –
Let’s relive together some moments of the beautiful day, with the testimonies of some participants and the Lecturer for the dedicated event realized within and funded by Meet and Code 2023 which is Europe’s largest youth digital skills development program developed in collaboration between TechSoup Europe’s local partners from 24 countries, SAP and @AmazonFutureEngineer.
Participants had the opportunity to train under the guidance of a leading expert:
Prof. Nicola Monopoli , Professor of Electroacoustic Music Composition at the Conservatory of Foggia, a composer of international relevance, who has been interested in Algorithmic and Computer-Assisted Composition for years and has published articles for Cambridge Scholars, ICMC, Wolfram ADALTA, KEAMS and HRPUB.
ℹ️ info on the website of ‘Culture and Music Association G. Curci – Ets
 Laboratorio Urbano GOS Giovani Open Space, Viale Marconi 49 – BARLETTA (BT)
#meetandcode #SAP4GOOD #codeEU 
#LaboratorioUrbanoGOS #culturaemusica
TechSoup Polska @AmazonFutureEngineer @sap4good TechSoup Italia Amazon Engineering


Video By Cultura e Musica G. Curci – ETS | Facebook


VST Coding from Scratch:
development of plugins for musical innovation–
Meet and Code 2023

A free workshop dedicated to the implementation of VST in Cabbage, held as part of and thanks to the support of Meet and Code 2023, Europe’s largest youth digital skills development program developed in collaboration between local TechSoup Europe partners from 24 countries, SAP and Amazon Future Engineer.
The ‘event will be usable both in-person and online on the Jitsi platform and is aimed at young programmers and audio enthusiasts who are approaching audio plugin programming for the first time.
Participants will have the opportunity to train under the guidance of Prof. Nicola Monopoli, professor of Electroacoustic Music Composition at the Conservatory of Foggia,
Participation is totally free, after online registration
to be made no later than October 20, 2023 . A certificate of participation will be issued.

Click here for info and application

#meetandcode #SAP4Good
#codeEU #AmazonFutureEngineer

@SAP4Good @AmazonFutureEngineer @techsouppolska



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MUSIC AUTUMN 2023 – 8 appointments with the ‘Good Music’

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VST Coding from Scratch: Development of plugins for music innovation – Meet and Code 2023

VST Coding from Scratch: Development of plugins for music innovation – Meet and Code 2023

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“New frontiers-Musical – Tribute to electroacoustic music”

“New frontiers-Musical – Tribute to electroacoustic music”

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